Is the Cottage Available?
Find out if the perfect holiday accommodation in Cornwall is available
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When are you thinking of staying?
Thinking about taking that break? Planning ahead? Take a look at our availability calendar and find out if holiday accommodation at Cornwall's Little Molvenny is free to book. Standard bookings are Saturday to Saturday Arrival on or after 4pm and departure before 11am. If you you have a request to arrive or depart on another day of the week or should you wish to book Molvenny for an extended stay then please use the contact form. We do not accept bookings for 'Hen Parties', 'Stag Parties', 'Student Groups', Little Molvenny is not suited to those wishing to book a 'Party' holiday cottage.
Self-catering Holiday Accommodation Cornwall Rental Rates
Note check in/out days are usually Saturday. If you wish to take the cottage for a longer period or need to arrive on an alternative day please use the contact form below to tell Nicola about your requirements.
If you need to know something then it's easy ... just ask. I will do my best to answer your questions.
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